Overcoming Stitches and Fat Fingers

The photograph is of my grandmother (Janice) with my twins when they were six months old. This is the woman who has inspired me to work so hard so that I can make things with my hands. My horribly clumsy hands. I know that I had a blog earlier this week that says we learn from failure, and should be proud of it, but I’ve gotta say, I don’t want to fail. So I refused and put in more time than indicated by the Digital Literacy class for which I am learning this passion based learning project.

Learning to crochet hasn’t been easy. I’m basically just working on the stitches I’ve learned from Crocheting for Dummies. There aren’t many that I’ve learned when compared to the dozens of stitches there are. IMG_0012 I thought it would be easier to make a chain out of yarn than it is. This is what took me the longest to learn, well specifically the slipknot. I accomplished this, and then I could move on, and so I did, I next attempted the single stitch. I thought that it would be easy once I had getting the chain down, but this “simple stitch” as they called it made my fat fingers very angry. IMG_0013 This is three rows of a single stitch. It’s what they called a “basic stitch” It took me an hour to get this one down. Once I did, however, the other stitches I worked with were easy. I think that getting the basics down is important, and I know for a fact that I wouldn’t be able to move on to the next step without mastering this one.

IMG_0014 This is a half double stitch. I know, that name is confusing. It’s basically between a single stitch and a double stitch. It was fairly simple once I got the single stitch down. This is three rows of the half double stitch.

IMG_0015 IMG_0016 IMG_0017 Here are the other three stitches I worked with from top left to bottom, the double stitch, the triple stitch, and the double triple stitch. It was hard to figure out how to make the yarn do what I wanted it to, but thankfully I figured it out. Now I can make something while, at the same time, learning other stitches, more difficult stitches. These stitches are used to make blankets and scarves, so I think I should start small. So next week, I will have at least one scarf done, hopefully I’ll have one for each of my children. Of course, I don’t think I’ll be as good as my cousin’s wife for a long while. She’s actually amazing. This mermaid outfit was made by Rebecca, my cousin’s wife for Lillian, our youngest. This is her newborn picture. Just the power of yarn, I guess. I can guarantee she doesn’t have fat fingers.

Photo courtesy of Developing Memories Photography of North Platte, Nebraska
  Photo courtesy of Developing Memories Photography of North Platte, Nebraska

9 thoughts on “Overcoming Stitches and Fat Fingers

  1. Wow, crocheting is such a cool hobby to have! I’m pretty sure I’ve tried to before, and gave up after a couple of days because I didn’t have the patience for it and I wasn’t good at it. I also think it’s super neat that your grandmother inspired this project, because it will give you a connection with her that didn’t exist before. Your preliminary pictures look great, and I can’t wait to see the final product!


  2. I think its great that you took up crocheting! It’s a pretty tricky trade to learn but after you get the basics down the things you can do are amazing! Congrats and I can’t wait to hear about what else you make!


  3. Don’t let your “fat” fingers keep you down! The amount of patience you have for crocheting is amazing, and with twins to take care of to boot! I really liked the fact that you included pictures of the steps of your progress! That sort of visual aid shows that you really are improving. The first picture made my heart break a little bit, but it was of good memories, so keep up the good work!


  4. I am enjoying it now that I’m getting the hang of it. I’m working on panels to make a bag for my computer. I’ve also decided to make my girls some scarves. Thankfully the pattern I found uses the stitches that I already know!


  5. I like all of the colors in your piece! I can imagine how time consuming it is to stitch all that yarn together. I’m sure by the end of semester you will be able to make some pretty cool stuff! Best of luck!


  6. Your post got me thinking about how clumsy and awkward we feel whenever we are trying to learn anything new. For most of us who become teachers, it’s probably fairly easy for us to learn school-type things, so it’s doing things that require other ways of learning (kinesthetic, for instance) that can get us out of our comfort zone.


    1. I usually like to stay within my comfort zone ( no blog, no tweets), and this class has shoved me right out of it! But, I can say that I’ll probably continue using my blog, and I’m following so many interesting pages on Twitter that I can’t stop using it. As for crocheting, I’m still getting my sea legs!


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